Rahul Gopal Bhate

Dr. Rahul Gopal Bhate

Dr.Rahul Gopal Bhate


MD (General Medicine) - Dr. V.M Medical College and Civil General Hospital, Solapur, Maharashtra, India 1989

DNB (Cardiology) - Bombay Hospital Institude of Medical Science, Mumbai 1994

MBBS - Dr. V.M Medical College and Civil General Hospital, Solapur, Maharashtra, India 1985


Coronary Artery Ectasia and Aneurysms - 42nd Annual Conference of Cardiological Society of India at Jaipur, 1994.

Utility of Trans Oesophageal Echocardiography over transthoracic Echocardiography in Adult patients with ASD - 42nd Annual Conference of Cardiological Society of India at Jaipur, 1994.

Angiographic study of Grafts following CABG - India V/s. Abroad - 42nd Annual Conference of Cardiological Society of India at Jaipur, 1994.

Systematic Hypertension: Dilemmas in drug therapy - Cardiology 1995, Association of Physicians of India, Gujarat Chapter.

Angiographic Profile & Urgent Myocardial Revascularization in Unstable Angina. Medicine update, APICON - 1996, Vol. VI, at Kathmandu, Nepal.

Prediction of Restenosis by I.V.U.S -Cardiovascular Imaging Symposium-June 22-24 1998, Leiden, Netherlands.

Heterogenecity of Coronary Flow Reserve in Different Segments of the Normal Coronary Tree- Abstract. XXth Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, August 22-26:1998, Vienna Austria (European Heart Journal).

Update of Coronary Doppler Flow Measurements Interventional Cardiology 1998; 11 (Suppl.): S120-S124 1 Journal of Intracoronary Doppler Indices - current Concepts - Great Wall Meeting October 1998, at Shanghai , in China.

Methods for Stent Retrieval - Great Wall Meeting - October 1998, at Shanghai, in China.

Intracoronary Ultrasound guided stenting does not further reduce in Stent restenosis rate 71st Scientific Sessions of American Heart Association at Dallas, Texas, Nov. 8-11, 1998.

Microvascular Dysfunction exists immediately after Coronary Intervention: Coronary Flow Reserve Improvement during follow up - 48th Annual Scientific Session of American College of Cardiology at New Orleans, Louisiana, USA March 7-10-1999.



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