Krantikumar Ramchandra Rathod

Dr. Krantikumar Ramchandra Rathod

Dr.Krantikumar Ramchandra Rathod


MD (Radio Diagnosis)- Seth G.S Medical College & King EdwardMemorial Hospital, University of Bombay, India 2000.

Vascular and Interventional Radiology- KEM Hospital, Mumbai 2000.

MBBS- Seth G.S Medical College & King EdwardMemorial Hospital, University of Bombay, India 1995.

Memberships & Certifications:

Life Member- Indian society of Vascular and International Radiology (ISVIR).

Associate Felow- Endovascular Intervension Society of India (EISI).


Transhepatic billiary Interventions Rathod K, Priya Shah, Rahul Seth

Scientific poster winner in the poster presentation competition for Radiology

Education Foundation, 4th Resident review course 1999.

Ultrasound and Color doppler in Budd-Chiari syndrome.Chaubal Nitin, Hanchate Vijay, Rathod Krantikumar, Deshmukh Hemant, Thakkar Hemangini.(scientific poster winner) in The WFUMB/AIUM' 2003,10th world Congress in Ultrasound, held in Montreal June 2003.


Krantikumar Rathod, Hemant Deshmukh, Ashwin Asrani, Vinita Salvi,Santoshi Prabhu. Ovarian artery pseudoaneurysm complicating Obstetric hysterectomy: Angiographic diagnosis and treatement with transcatheter embolisation Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology 28 (1) Jan 2005, 113-116.

KR Rathod,H.L Deshmukh, A IGarg, RC Mehta, SS Ranchewad. Spectrum of angiographic findings in aortoarteritis. Clinical Radiology, Volume 60, Issue 7, July 2005; 746-755

Hemant Deshmukh,Krantikumar Rathod Ashwin Garg, Rahul Sheth,Suyash Kulkarni .Transcatheter embolisation as primary treatment for visceral pseudoaneurysms in pancreatitis :clinical outcome and imaging follow up.Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 23 (2004);56-58.

Ashish Chawla; Krantikumar Rathod; Abhijit Raut ;Ashwin Garg, Ajay Thakker Hemant Telkar;Nikhil Kamat .Uterine Lipoleiomyoma: Ultrasound, CT and MRI features. Applied Radiology 33 (4) (2004) ;38-40..

Krantikumar Rathod; Nadeem Ahmed; Abhijit Raut Circumaortic renal collar: Imaging Features. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 50(1) (2004):77-78.

Hemant Deshmukh; Krantikumar Rathod; Ashwin Garg; Rahul Sheth .Ruptured mycotic pulmonary artery pseudoaneurysm in an infant: Transcatheter embolization and CT assessment .Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology (2003)26:485-487.

Krantikumar Rathod, Rahul Sheth Govind Chavhan Ashwin Asrani Abhijit Raut. Hemoperitoneum complicating snake bite: Rare CT features .Abdominal Imaging.2003; 28, 820-821

Sheth R, Hanchate V. Rathod K, Ahmed I, Deshmukh H, Chaubal N.Aneurysms of the inferior vena cava. Australas Radiol 2003 Mar;47(1):94-6.

K Rathod, A Garg, G Chavhan, N Rathod.Computed Tomography as a Diagnostic Tool in Acute Renal Cortical Necrosis. Journal of association of physician November 2002;Vol. 50, 1451-1452.

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