Amit Sahu

Dr. Amit Sahu

Dr.Amit Sahu


MD (Radio-diagnosis)- NKP Salve Institude of Medical Science & LataMangeshkar Hospital, Nagpur 2011.

Fellowship in CT & MRI- Dr. Balabhai nanavati Hospital, Mumbai 2012.

FVIR- 2012-14, FINR- King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital and Seth G.S Medical College, Mumbai 2016-17.

Vascular & Interventional Radiology (VIR)- King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital and Seth G.S Medical College, Mumbai 2014.

M.B.B.S- NKPSIMS & Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, Nagpur 2008.


Award for best case presentation at National ISVIR registry and complications meet, Nagpur (2016)


Role of MRI in deciding and predicting treatment outcome in patients with LBP at NIMACON(2010)-Runner up Best Competitive Paper Category

Chronic midgut volvulus-Case report at Mid-term CME of ICRI (2010)

MRI evaluation of low back pain at 4 SAARC International Radiology conference (2010)

Patterns of breast diseases on sonography and mammography at 64th National Conference of Indian Radiological and Imaging Association (2011)

'Veins in chains'-A review of angiographic findings in Budd Chiari Syndrome and its role in planning endovascular management, RSNA, USA 2013.

Role of Ultrasonography and Mammography in Evaluation of Breast Masses. Dhok Avinash, Sahu Arpita, Mitra Kajal and Sahu Amit; Vol2, Issue6, Dec-2015; 703-712; International Journal of Advances in Health Sciences

Casepresentation Endovascular managementofpost-stenting commoniliacartery dissection with periarterial hematoma'at National ISVIRregistry and complications meet, Vapi (2017)

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