Why should I visit my dentist regularly?
Periodic dental visits minimizes dental problems and allows easy maintenance of teeth. Most dental problems do not have any symptoms until they reach the advanced stages of the disease process. At this time, root canal treatment or extraction is the only treatment, instead of a simple filling. It is not uncommon to see a patient with a huge cavity who has never felt any pain!
What is dental caries/decay/cavity? How can I prevent it?
Dental caries/decay/cavity can be described as destruction of teeth. This can be different for different individuals and also different for different teeth in same individual. Preventive measures include proper maintenance of oral hygiene, brushing twice daily, reducing sweet exposure to minimum.
How often should I visit the dentist?
Better safe than sorry. Visit the dentist twice in a year to ensure good oral cavity. Fillings can be done at an early stage. This will ensure that further complications do not arise.
What is Dentinal hypersensitivity/ sensitivity?
Dentinal hypersensitivity occurs when some part of the outside tooth surface is lost. It can affect patients of any age group, mostly middle and older age groups. The most common reported symptom by patient is a sharp transient pain produced by any stimuli mostly hot or cold foods. The dentist evaluates the severity and treats accordingly.
What do I do when I have pain?
Visit your dentist at the earliest. Pain can be because of various reasons. Let your dentist investigate the type and severity of your problem. Do not delay. Your dentist might have to take an x-ray or do some tests to establish a proper diagnosis. Once done, you will be treated accordingly.
Does having fillings ensure that I cannot have cavities again?
Filling is done by removing the existing caries and doing some restoration. However it does not leave you completely safe from getting cavity again. Proper oral hygiene measures need to be done by the patient along with timely dental visits in order to have a cavity free month.
What should I do if I already have caries/decay?
It’s never too late. At whatever stage you are, you can still get treatment done from your dentist. Treatment protocol is already established for the kind of dental problem you are facing. Feel free to express your issues which will be accompanied by a thorough dental check up by our esteemed dental team and your dental problem will be treated optimally.
What is root canal treatment (RCT)?
Root canal treatment is a sequence of steps used to treat an infected tooth canal. The procedure involves removal of infection from tooth, cleaning of tooth canal from inside by using small needle like instruments and lastly, filling the empty space with a material. This is followed by a permanent filling done on the top of the tooth to seal from saliva.
What is Single sitting Root canal treatment? Can I undergo Single sitting RCT?
Single Sitting Root canal treatment is one appointment RCT. If there is no infection in the tooth; then one Sitting RCT can be done. All the steps remain the same, only the appointments are reduced. So your three appointment’s work will be basically done in a single long appointment. You may ask your dentist and be willing to sit patiently. In infection cases, one sitting RCT is not advised.
What do I do after I have completed my root canal treatment? Is a crown/cap on the tooth necessary after root canal treatment?
Get a crown/cap done.During Root canal treatment a significant amount of tooth structure is lost. Since teeth are constantly used in chewing and biting, this increases their chances of fracture under chewing or biting forces. Thus such teeth should be protected with a crown/cap that protect the teeth and also look good. This completes the process.
The pain in my tooth reduced after taking a pain killer. Do I still need a root canal treatment?
The pain killer will only provide a temporary relief and you may feel good only for a short period of time. Root canal treatment will ensure that the infected and bad nerve tissue inside the tooth is removed and proper sealing is done.
Will a root canal treated tooth last for a life time?
Generally there is no problem in a root canal treated tooth. However in some cases, there can be chances of re-infection due to some micro-organism infecting the tooth again. In such cases, re-root canal treatment can be done to save the tooth.
What is bleaching?
Tooth discoloration is a common problem. Bleaching is one of the most commonly sought effective dental procedure to brighten smile. It is a simple, fast, effective treatment to change discoloured teeth to lighter ones. This non-invasive procedure works wonders for the acceptance and self confidence of the patient as it is appreciated through an immediate visual impact. Certain instructions need to be followed after an appointment of bleaching.
Why do I have bad breaths?
The first reason of malodour may be that your teeth and tongue are not adequately clean. Visit your dentist for a professional cleaning every six months for the proper maintenance. Secondly,it may also be a result of Smoking, Alcohol, Throat infections, Dry mouth,Stress,Sinusitis,Tonsillitis,Hormonal changes etc.
Does my medical history matter in my dental treatment?
Yes it does! As a thumb rule carry all your health documents. All allergy, surgical history, epilepsy, cardiac problems, respiratory problem, infectious disease, gastric problems, pregnancy possibility or confirmed, currently lactating, current medications being taken should be informed to your dentist to enable your dentist to take good care of you. Any habits should also be made known to your dentist. Any family history of diabetes or high blood pressure should be informed to the dentist.
Many toothpastes are available in the market, which one should I Use?
Any fluoride containing toothpaste is good. Fluoride forms a protective coating on the tooth surface and prevents formation of further cavities. Generally toothpaste having an approval of IDA (Indian Dental Association) should be used. The type of toothpaste may also vary depending on the oral condition of the patient which can be confirmed by your dentist.
What is oral and maxillofacial surgery?
Oral and maxillofacial surgery deals with various diseases, pathological defects involving the Oro facial region. The scope ranges from dental extraction to major oral and maxillo facial surgery. Eventually there may be two types of oral surgical procedures, minor and major oral surgery.